贵宾就医网 - 国内外权威医生为患者提供个性化健康解决方案
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Privatklinik “Confraternitat”
地址:  Skodagasse 32, 1080 Vienna, Austria
国家:  奥地利
语言:  中文,英文,等(包括病历翻译、面诊时同声翻译及日常生活翻译)
是否接受国际患者:  接受
是否提供中文翻译:  提供
概 况 | 医生介绍 | 临床科室 | 相关链接 | 擅长领域 | 现在预约
PremiQaMed hospitals work with contracted doctors (leading specialists from the University clinic, mainly professors) who can be called in according to every individual case. A flexible organization and a huge network of specialists enables us to organize the best medical treatment with almost no waiting times in an exclusive ambience. Swift organization keeps lengths of stay in the hospital much shorter than in public hospitals and thus saves money.

Patients are being cared for by their attending doctor during the whole time of stay in the hospital.

Our mission

We are a successful private hospital with tradition and future.

Our patients and their health are the focus of our competent care.

To the fullest extent possible we meet the needs and desires of our patients and their families in an atmosphere of well-being.

We provide patient care whenever it is needed, but also pay attention to the patients' capacity for self-care.

In dealing with one another, we value honesty, kindness and mutual respect.

Our actions paired with exceptionally high quality standards are characterized by daily learning and interdisciplinary communication.

The attending physician is our partner in the commitment to ensure the best possible care on all levels for our patients.

Respectful and committed cooperation with our partners including referring physicians, suppliers and regulators is a concern of extremely high importance for us.

We are committed to economic use of available resources. The economic success of our company is vital for its high medical efficiency.

We value our employees as an important prerequisite for mutual success.

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